Atlanta Track Club Web Site

Team Coordinator Responsibilities

Responsibilities of the ATC Women's Team Coordinator Include but are not limited to

  1. Attend ATC Board Meetings and Special Events
  2. Obtain Budget from ATC, then manage the budget for team events so as to not over/under spend
  3. Maintain Team:
    A. Letter of Agreement
    B. Runners Questionnaire
    C. Roster
  4. Promote and communicate volunteer needs for the ATC Races
  5. Team Communication
  6. Review and determine who is eligible to be on the team
  7. Ensure Team Captains are in compliance
  8. Ensure WINGFOOT submission is in and on time
  9. Ensure Team Uniforms are maintained by the Uniform Coordinator
  10. Hold and facilitate yearly team meeting
  11. Select Team Races based on Team Competition, Team Visibility and Team Budget
  12. Work with Web-Site Coordinator to ensure accuracy
  13. Respond timely to the request/needs of the ATC

Womens Team Home Page